What’s going on in the Nonahood?! It’s time for a new episode of your favorite weekly show, IN THE NONA!
Today is National Non-Profit Day, so what better time to help out a few of our local non-profits! The Central Florida Children’s Home, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Florida and the Fisher House Orlando are some local charities that can benefit from the community’s support! You can find more information on how to donate to each by visiting their respective websites: www.centralfloridachildrenshome.com, www.Rmhccf.org, and www.orlandofisherhouse.org.
The Pig Penth Annual PIG RUN of Lake Nona has gone virtual and some spots are still available! Registration is $40 and will close on August 31st at midnight! Packet pick up dates will be announced soon via the Pig Run FB page and email. Once you grab your swag, you’re all set to participate in your very own PIG RUN at your leisure!!
If you have already registered and longer want to participate, you have until Aug. 31st to request a refund. Email refundpigrun@gmail.com to request the refund and include names of all registered and a mailing address.
Remember, even though this event has gone virtual for the safety of all, the money raised will still go towards Camp Boggy Creek and the Nemours Children’s Hospital Child Life Program. Visit pigrunoflakenona.com for more information!
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! Chick-fil-A of Lake Nona is officially opening up this Thursday, August 20 from 6 AM to 10 PM. The business will operate through drive-thru only for the time being.
And to sweeten the news even more, we’ve partnered with Chick-fil-A Nona to give away 10 free sandwich/nugget coupons AND 10 free breakfast coupons!
All you have to do to enter is head on over to our Instagram (www.instagram.com/stayinthenona), follow @stayinthenona and @chickfilanona on Instagram (www.instagram.com/chickfilanona), like this video post here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CEADo3VheU1/, and tag some friends that should eat more chicken! There is no limit to tags and entries, but please keep it to 1 tag per comment. The giveaway closes the day of the grand opening, Thursday, at 12 PM noon. Best of luck!
Face-to-face interaction begins this Friday for those students and teachers who selected going back to school. Here’s to a smooth start to the new school year in these crazy times. We wish you a great first day back!
I’ll see you next Monday, so until then … share this video, enter our giveaway over on Instagram and like/follow @stayinthenona on social media to stay IN THE NONA!